Thank you for your interest in taking a Refresher course or two! The course information on this page is only for those who have taken Elizabeth Campbell’s ThetaHealing Basic DNA and those who have taken both the Basic and the ThetaHealing Advanced DNA.
To take the Basic Refresher course, choose your preferred date below. You only need one, but are welcome to do both!
To take the Advanced Refresher Course, you must have taken the Advanced DNA already. Choose your preferred date below. You only need one, but are welcome to do both!
You will receive a private email with the link to the class(s) for which you have registered, along with the Meeting ID and Password. In addition, you will receive the same information via text one hour prior to the class.
Because it has been awhile since your last class, you may feel that you have lost touch with some of the techniques ,
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You’ve been using the techniques and want to be sure you haven’t settled into a routine that may or may not have all the details,
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You are ready to take the next class, Advanced or Dig Deeper, and are so responsible that you want a refresher, just to be sure you are up-to-date and ready …. and ,yes, that is a great reason! You don’t know what you have forgotten until you are reminded 🙂 There is another good reason, so keep reading……
In one 4-hour Zoom meeting for Basic, and one 4-hour Zoom meeting for Advanced, we will practice, refresh and have our own needs as practitioners attended to.
Using Zoom, we will accomplish all of this and be able to move forward to working more effectively with those we see for ThetaHealing, and will also remember how to take care of ourselves so that we can better serve our purpose as ThetaHealers, be the best we can be for our family and the most creative we can be with our careers.
And…….EXTRA’S !!!
We are going to refresh our Skills, AND we are going to refresh Ourselves. This entire time of the pandemic, including how we move through it, out of it, and into the future, has been, is, and will be, new territory. We have the opportunity as ThetaHealers to custom make our reactions, beliefs and choices to be the ones who others turn to for stability and innovation in their own lives. And the world is going to need us to do that!
Not only that, but those of you who participate with this free live online event will get great discounts on a future course(s) with me! *
All you have to do is choose the course days/times that work the best for you when you sign up. I will be organizing some things ahead of time, so I need to know how many will be on each call. Link………
Basic Refresher Course – Saturday, June 6, 2020 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (with 30 min. break for lunch at noon) There will be breakout groups and those who wish to work through lunch can eat and work.
– or –
Basic Refresher Course – Monday, June 8, 2020 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM (with a 30 min. break for dinner at 6:30 PM) There will be breakout groups and those who wish to work through dinner can eat and work.
Advanced Refresher Course – Saturday, June 13, 2020 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (with 30 min. break for lunch at noon) There will be breakout groups and those who wish to work though lunch can eat and work.
– or –
Advanced Refresher Course – Monday, June 15, 2020 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM (with a 30 min. break for dinner at 6:30 PM) There will be breakout groups and those who wish to work through dinner can eat and work.
* All can take the Basic Refresher, those who have already taken Advanced can also then take the Advanced Refresher.
To take the Dig Deeper class requires completion/certification of the Advanced class and to take Manifesting and Abundance requires completion/certification of Dig Deeper. So, there is a discount for each of you just for attending a refresher.
What is your discount?
First of all, I am keeping my class fee at $400, not raising my rates to $450 as I had intended to do pre-pandemic. ( My fee is the lowest allowed, and without a registration fee, which is also recommended for us to do.)
AND…. you will receive 10% off your next class with me for taking the Basic or Advanced Refresher. If you take both, you will receive 10% off each of the next two classes you take with me. This offer will remain valid for the next two times that I offer each of the classes. After that time, if you have not used the discount, it goes……
AND…. I am locking in my rate to you at $400 for your next level of classes for the next two times I teach each one, making your discounted price only $360.00. (Repeats continue to be $100, so you won’t want to waste your discount on that.) This is for Advanced, Dig Deeper and Manifesting and Abundance**.
Even if my rate does go up for others, for the next two times I teach any of these classes, your rate stays at $400 plus any applicable discount .If that is confusing, just ask me to explain 😉
Big News!
No waiting! Vianna has authorized us to teach Basic, Advanced, and Dig Deeper ONLINE! (**Manifesting and Abundance still must be live.) For those of you who want/need these classes – let me know if you are interested so that I can schedule them. I have already paid in to the new licensing for this and will be paying a monthly fee to do this…
It is worth it to have those of you who want the classes be able to get them without all the waiting. Taking them as a refresher if you have already taken them from me will be allowed as always for only $100.
I will go through a brief training and get the scoop as to the details very soon. This is not necessarily going to always be available. It is presented as a potentially temporary way for us to teach the courses during the need for social distancing.
So, attend one refresher and receive 10% off your next class.
Take both the Basic and Advanced refresher (if qualified) and receive 10% off your next two classes.
Since you will want to complete the basics of your ThetaHealing training, (Basic, Advanced and Dig Deeper), this is like getting paid $40 to attend each refresher. Remember, if you are ready for Dig Deeper and take that one, you can also get 10% off Manifesting and Abundance (over 150 changes to make your abundance manifest!)
All you need to do to sign up for the Refreshers is to go to this link:
You registration will only be complete if the form is complete. You will need to answer two questions, which will make certain that the Refresher satisfies your needs and will be as thorough as possible for you to move forward.
There is no requirement to sign up for future courses to take the refreshers.
These are offered by me to help all of us make a difference in the world, now.